(PHIL 483, Sec. 1001)
    Reading Assignments

    (Readings from the Lynch, et al. (eds.) anthology, The Nature of Truth, are listed by entry author, title, and either chapter number or "pp." followed by page numbers in parentheses. Readings from the Kirkham book, Theories of Truth, are listed by author (Kirkham) and chapter number (sometimes with page specifications in parentheses). Online readings are listed by author and title and labeled "online". They are available either through WebCampus-Canvas, in the Online Readings module, accessible via the Modules menu-link, or they are linked here directly.)

  • For Jan. 22: Read Frankfurt, On Truth (online--you can skip Sections III and VIII), Lynch, "Preface" and "Introduction: The Metaphysics of Truth" (pp. ix-xi, 1-6--provided online), and Kirkham, Chapter 1. Anyone needing an introduction to or review of the notation of symbolic logic should also read Alex Miller's "Frege: Semantic Value and Reference" (online).
  • For Jan. 24: Read Kirkham, Chapter 2 (pp. 54-72) and Lynch, et al., "Introduction to Part I" (pp. 9-15).
  • For Jan. 29: Read Russell, "Truth and Falsehood" (1--also available online here), then read Kirkham, Chapter 4 (pp. 119-124). Note: Classroom Changed to CEB 240.
  • For Jan. 31: Read David, "Truth as Identity and Truth as Correspondence" (online).
  • For Feb. 5: Read the selection (sections 1-3.01) from Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (online--I've posted multiple versions ). Be working on your Reflection Essay, which is due on Friday 2/9.
  • For Feb. 7: Re-read the Wittgenstein, especially sections 2.1-3.01.
  • For Feb. 9: Submit your Reflection Essay via the link in the Assignments area of the WebCampus-Canvas site for the course.
  • For Feb. 12: Read Austin, "Truth" (2) and Kirkham, Chapter 4 (pp. 124-140).
  • For Feb. 14: Read Strawson, "Truth [1950]" (online) and Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 307bottom-312top).
  • For Feb. 19: No Class! for Presidents' Day. But you might re-read Kirkham, Chapter 4 (pp. 124-140) and get started on reading Alston, "A Realist Conception of Truth" (3).
  • For Feb. 21: Read Alston, "A Realist Conception of Truth" (3). Then read Putnam, "Two Philosophical Perspectives" (12) and Lynch, et al., "Introduction to Part II" (pp. 103-105).
  • For Feb. 26: Re-read the material assigned for Wed 2/21. Then read Kirkham, Chapters 2 (pp. 41-54) and 3 (pp. 73-79).
  • For Feb. 28: Read Blanshard, "Coherence as the Nature of Truth" (6) and Kirkham, Chapter 3 (pp. 104-118).
  • For Mar. 4: Re-read Blanshard, "Coherence as the Nature of Truth" (6) and then read Walker, "The Coherence Theory" (7). Then re-read Kirkham, Chapter 3 (pp. 114-118).
  • For Mar. 6: Read Lynch, et al., "Introduction to Part III" (pp. 151-158). Then read Peirce, "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" (8) and Kirkham, Chapter 3 (pp. 79-87). If you would like to learn more about Peirce's views (e.g., on the nature of belief) you can read "The Fixation of Belief". Also, check out the prompt for the First Paper. Be sure to look at my Paper Requirements and Policies and my Numbered Comments Sheet as well.
  • For Mar. 18: Be working on the first part of your First Paper over break. Re-read the Peirce article and Kirkham's discussion of Peirce. Then read James, "Pragmatism's Conception of Truth" (9) and Kirkham, Chapter 3 (pp. 87-104).
  • For Mar. 20: Re-read the material by and about Peirce and James.
  • For Mar. 25: Read Lynch, et al., "Introduction to Part VII" (pp. 557-566) and Lynch, "Three Questions for Truth Pluralism" (30).
  • For Mar. 26: Tuesday submit your First Paper to via the Assignment link provided in WebCampus-Canvas before midnight. [Note the new later due date!]
  • For Mar. 27: Read Tappolet, "Mixed Inferences: A Problem for Pluralism about Truth-Predicates" (online); Beall, "On Mixed Inferences and Pluralism About Truth Predicates" (online); Tappolet, "Truth Pluralism and Many-Valued Logic: A Reply to Beall" (online); and Edwards, "How to Solve the Problem of Mixed Conjunctions" (online).
  • For Apr. 1: Re-read the short articles by Tappolet, Beall, and Edwards. Then read Ferrari, et al., "Austere Truth Pluralism" (32).
  • For Apr. 3: Read Edwards, "Truth, Winning, and Simple Determination Pluralism" (31).
  • For Apr. 8: Re-read the Ferrari, et al. (32) and Edwards (31). Then read Wyatt, "Introduction to Part V" (pp. 319-333) and Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 329-339).
  • For Apr. 10: Read Ramsey, "The Nature of Truth" (16) and Strawson, "Truth [1949]" (17). Then read Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 307-315, 317-321).
  • For Apr. 11: Thursday: For an informal(ish) introductory discussion of deflationism about truth, come to the Neon Stoa: UNLV Philosophy Club meeting at 7pm at Cheba Hut on Maryland Pkwy.
  • For Apr. 15: Re-read Ramsey, "The Nature of Truth" (16) and Strawson, "Truth [1949]" (17). Then read Quine, "Truth" (18) and re-read Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 307-315, 317-321). Check out the paper topic for the Second Paper, which will be due Sunday 4/28, by midnight, via the Assignment link on WebCampus/Canvas.
  • For Apr. 17: Read Grover, "The Prosentential Theory: Further Reflections on Locating Our Interest in Truth" (20) and Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 325-329).
  • For Apr. 22: Read Horwich, "A Defense of Minimalism" (21) and Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 339-350). Then read Devitt, "The Metaphysics of Deflationary Truth" (online).
  • For Apr. 24: No Class! But re-read the Horwich chapter, the Devitt piece, and Kirkham, Chapter 10 (pp. 329-339).
  • For Apr. 29: Catch up on/re-read the material assigned on deflationism. Then read Armour-Garb and Woodbridge, "Deflationism as Alethic Fictionalism via a SPIF Account of Truth-Talk" (23).
  • For May 1: Read Priest, "Paradoxical Truth" (online) and Dowden, "Liar Paradox" (entry from Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) (online).
  • For May 6: Review Session, 4pm-6pm, in the Philosophy Dept. conference room, CDC 425.
  • For May 8: Final Exam! Remember, it is at an earlier time, 10:10am-12:10pm, in our regular classroom. Bring an exambook.

Last updated May 4, 2024

This site is maintained by James A. Woodbridge.

This document was created on December 23, 2023.