(PHIL 310, Sec. 1001)
    Reading Assignments

    (Readings from Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus are listed as 'TLP' followed by a range of aphorism numbers. Readings from Philosophical Investigations are listed as 'PI' followed by a range of aphorism numbers. Online readings are listed by author and title and labeled "online". They will be available on the WebCampus page for the class, via the Course Content button. Recommended reading from Ray Monk's biography, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius are listed as 'Monk' with chapter numbers.)

  • For Aug. 25: Read Michael Morris, "The Legacy of Frege and Russell," Ch. 2 of Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (online). Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 1-3. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN NEW ROOM: GUA 2202.
  • For Aug. 30: Read Anthony Kenny, "The Legacy of Frege and Russell" and "The Critique of Principia," Ch. 2 and 3 of Wittgenstein (online). LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Sep. 1: In TLP, read Russell's Introduction, Preface, and remarks 1-2.063. In your reading, you might find referencing this Hypertext version of TLP useful for keeping track of which remarks are subordinate to which other remarks. For fun, if you have a Facebook account, you might also check out the Wittgenstein Day-by-Day Facebook postings that track his life events, including journal and notebook entries exactly 100 years later. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Sep. 6: Labor Day! No class.
  • For Sep. 8: Re-read TLP 1-2.063 on reality. Then read TLP 2.1-3.144 on language/pictures. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 4-6. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Sep. 13: Re-read TLP: 1-3.144. Pay special attention to 2.014 on, looking for Wittgenstein's account of what logical form (of a state of affairs) is and his account of what pictorial form (of a picture) is. (From this point, the reading assignments will diverge from the syllabus listings for a couple of weeks, until we catch up.) LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Sep. 15: Re-read TLP 2.1-3.144, then read TLP 3.2-3.3. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Sep. 20: Re-read TLP 3-3.3, then read TLP 3.31-4.032. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Sep. 22: Re-read TLP 3.25-4.032. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Sep. 27: Read TLP 4.04-4.128. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Sep. 29: Read TLP 4.2-4.53 (i.e., finish "the 4s"). LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Oct. 4: Re-read TLP 4.126-4.53. Then read TLP 5-5.442. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Oct. 6: Re-read TLP 5-5.442. Then read TLP 5.45-5.52. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202. Also, check out the topics for First Paper, which will be due on Monday 10/18. Be sure to look at my Paper Requirements and Policies and my Numbered Writing Comments Sheet, plus the Philosophy Department's Guidelines Regarding Plagiarism. (The last should not actually be applicable, since the assignment directs you not to use any outside sources at all--just the TLP text and your own notes and thinking, although talking about the material with classmates is fine (and recommended)--but read the Guidelines anyway.)
  • For Oct. 11: Re-read TLP 5-5.52. Then read TLP 5.521-5.5571. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 7-8. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Oct. 13: Read TLP 5.6-6.12. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 9. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Oct. 18: Re-read TLP 5.6-6.12, then read TLP 6.1201-6.241. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM. Also, submit your First Paper via on WebCampus before midnight [note later time].
  • For Oct. 20: Read TLP 6.3-7. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Oct. 25: Re-read TLP 6.3-7. Then read Philosophical Investigations (PI), Editorial Preface, Preface, and 1-49. (Remember, those are remark numbers, not page numbers.) Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 10-13. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Oct. 27: Re-re-read TLP 6.4-7. Then read PI, "The Text of Philosophische Untersuchungen" (pp. xviii-xxiii) and re-read the Preface and Remarks 1-49. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Nov. 1: Read PI 1-64 (remember, those are remark numbers, not page numbers). Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 14-16. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Nov. 3: Read PI 65-88. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Nov. 8: Read PI 81-179. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 17-20. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Nov. 10: Read PI 180-202. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Nov. 15: Re-read PI 172-202. PRE-RECORDED LECTURE WILL BE POSTED (No live class meeting).
  • For Nov. 19: Watch the make-up pre-recorded lecture video posted, covering through PI 202. Also, check out the topics for the Second Paper, which will be due by midnight on Saturday 12/4 [Note the new date!].
  • For Nov. 22: Read PI 203-315. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Nov. 24: Read PI 316-384. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Nov. 29: Read PI 385-495. LIVE REMOTE MEETING ON ZOOM.
  • For Dec. 1: Read PI 496-587. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 21-24. LIVE IN-PERSON MEETING IN GUA 2202.
  • For Dec. 6: Remote Review Session! 5pm-7pm. [The Zoom meeting will also be recorded and posted.] Check out this list of Exam Topics before the review, and drop in with questions about them that you want to discuss.
  • For Dec. 8: Study for the Final Exam, which will be on WebCampus/Canvas starting at 10:10AM. Recommended reading: Monk, Ch. 25-27.

Last updated December 2, 2021

This site is maintained by James A. Woodbridge.

This document was created on July 31, 2021.